Pt Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Pt. Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Service Pompa Industri, Engineering Procurement Construction, Sistem Scruber Untuk Chemical, Sistem Pemipaan, Pump Engineering And Rebuilding, Sealing Device Engineering Solution, Rotating And Reciprocating Equipment Maintenance, Rotating Equipment Alligment, Overhoul Pump Gear Box Electromotor EnginePT. AGRAPANA JAYA ABADI | HP/WA: 089697000108

adalah perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang general supplier & contractor seperti bidang mekanik, perdagangan listrik, konstruksi dan jasa yang berlokasi di Sidoarjo Jawa Timur.

“Rotating & Reciprocating, Service And Sealing Solution”

Our Specialization Is:

1. Rotating and reciprocating equipment service and maintenance, consist of :

– Overhoul on pump, Sealing device for pump or rotating equipment
– Service and maintenance for electromotor
– Alligment and realligment
– Installation and comissioning for rotating equipment
– Assessment and monitoring (Vibration, Temperature, etc)
– Hydraulic cyclinder repair and service (Resealing, Chromming, etc)

2. Engineering, Procuerment and construction (EPC)

3. Reliable product especiality in pump, sealing device, valve, vacum system, etc.





1. Rotating And Reciprocating Equipment Maintenance And Service

– Overhoul Project PT. PERTAMINA – Sanggaran

We worked for the Overhoul and Reverse Engineering Project Pertamax Pum in PT. Pertamina TBBM Sanggaran in this case, The pump broke because of thesolid content coming into the pump.
We repaired the impeller centering shaft and repaired the mechanical seal. We also did realigment and monitoring, The performance until this pump was running well.

– Overhoul Project PT. PERTAMINA TBBM Manggis – Bali

We worked for the reverse engineering project for sealing device.
We added API plan 52 for flushing the sealing devices.
The result is that the mechanical seal was running well until now.

2. Contruction Project

Engineering, Procurement and Construction Project Scrubber ZK-PT. Petrokimia Gresik our team trusted in the scrubber project for ZK plant in PT. Petrokimia – Gresik, We did all the work from the engineering design system, engineering drawing, procurement equipment and construction.

We success reduced HCL, emission from 1000 ppm until 5 ppm for plant ZK-1 and from 3000 ppm until 5 ppm for plant ZK-2.

Engineering, Procurement and Construction Project PT. Pertamina TBBM REO. PT. Agrapana Jaya Abadi have completed construction projects for piping system, pump installation, etc.


Untuk informasi produk, jasa kami dan penawaran serta project Anda bisa menghubungi kami.

Kontak Kami

(General Supplier & Contractor)

Ruko Chiwalk Blok NT07, Perumahan Citra Harmoni, Trosobo, Sidoarjo
Telp. (031) 99791401
HP/WA: 089697000108

tags : Pt Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Pt. Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Agrapana Jaya Abadi, Service Pompa Industri, Engineering Procurement Construction, Sistem Scruber Untuk Chemical, Sistem Pemipaan, Pump Engineering And Rebuilding, Sealing Device Engineering Solution, Rotating And Reciprocating Equipment Maintenance, Rotating Equipment Alligment, Overhoul Pump Gear Box Electromotor Engine

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